We make high-precision measurements of isotopes in rocks to better understand the formation and evolution of planetary bodies.
Check out our new PHOTOS page with images from recent field work, the lab build, and other fun efforts from our group!

Dr. Rita Parai
I am a high-temperature isotope geochemist who primarily uses noble gases to address questions about how planetary bodies form and evolve over time. Explore these pages to learn more about my research group, our laboratory facilities and the research we pursue.

Our Research
We pursue topics related to the early Earth, the nature of mantle heterogeneities, chemical constraints on geodynamics, volatile origins and transport on Earth and other planetary bodies, and planetary atmospheres.
Latest News
Parai a featured scientist on NOVA Ancient Earth: Birth of the Sky
Rita is a featured scientist in an episode of the new NOVA series, Ancient Earth. The episode airs on Oct 4 on PBS, and delves into the origins of Earth’s atmosphere. Check it out here! https://www.pbs.org/video/ancient-earth-birth-of-the-sky-vgs18a/
Three posters from our group at AGU FM21!
Check out our group’s posters at the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting! All posters are in the DI25C session. Authors will be available during an online summary session from 2:00-3:00pm CT on Tuesday using this link. They will also be available for further discussion via zoom — links can be found by navigating to the pages linked below […]
Graduate study at WashU
Individuals interested in graduate or postdoctoral research should contact Rita Parai.